美国词语掌故 英汉对照 上【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 美国之音慢速英语部编写 著
- 出版社: 北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- ISBN:7500104243
- 出版时间:1997
- 标注页数:341页
- 文件大小:19MB
- 文件页数:710页
- 主题词:词语
美国词语掌故 英汉对照 上PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 A-Okay 一切正常2
2 Ace in the Hole 押底的“爱司”6
3 Achilles Heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟8
4 All Thumbs 全是拇指14
5 Apple Pie Order 像苹果饼一般整齐18
6 Apple Polisher 擦苹果的人22
7 Ax to Grind有斧子要磨26
8 Baloney 熏腊肠30
9 Barnstorn 谷仓演说32
10 Bears and Bulls 熊和牛36
11 Beef牛叫40
12 Behind the Eight-Ball 藏在八号球后面44
13 Belittle 贬小46
14 Bell the Cat 给猫系上铃铛52
15 Beside Oneself 不能自己56
16 Bigwig 大发套58
17 Bite the Bullet 咬住子弹62
18 Black and White 黑与白64
19 Blitz 闪电战68
20 Blizzard 暴风雪72
21 Blue Streak 蓝光74
22 Bluestocking 蓝色长袜78
23 Bogus 冒牌82
24 Bonanza 好运气84
25 Bone to Pick 剔骨头88
26 Break the Ice 打破坚冰92
27 Broadway 百老汇96
28 Buff “迷”100
29 Buffalo 摆野牛阵104
30 Bunk 废话108
31 Burning One's Bridges 过河烧桥110
32 By the Book 按本本办112
33 By the Grapevine 顺着葡萄藤116
34 Canoe 桦皮舟120
35 Cat 猫124
36 Caucus 秘密会议128
37 Chewing Gum 口香糖132
38 Chip on His Shoulder 肩上搁了块碎片136
39 Circus 马戏140
40 Cold 寒冷144
41 Colors 颜色146
42 Come Hat in Hand 手持帽子求人152
43 Corn,Clichés and Bromides 庸俗语言和陈词滥调154
44 Cross Your Fingers 两指交十160
45 Cut the Mustard 符合要求164
46 Dark Horse 黑马168
47 Deadbeat 死不还钱172
48 Deep-Six 深埋174
49 Disc Jockey 唱片骑师178
50 Do a Land-Office Business 拍卖与抢购182
51 Dog Phrases “狗”字的妙用184
52 Dogie牛犊190
53 Down to Earth,Both Feet on the Ground 讲究实际,脚踏实地194
54 Duck Soup鸭汤196
55 Dutch“荷兰佬”200
56 Eager Beaver 勤奋的海狸204
57 Easy as Falling off a Log 易若从圆木上滚落208
58 Eat Crow 吃乌鸦210
59 Egghead 蛋壳脑袋214
60 Expletives 惊叹词218
61 Eye and Its Phrases “眼睛”一词的妙用220
62 Face the Music 面对音乐226
63 Fall Guy 替罪羊228
64 Farm 农场232
65 Feathers 羽毛236
66 Filibuster 冗长演说战术240
67 Fix Fix 及其妙用242
68 From the Heart 发自内心246
69 Full Court Press 全场紧逼250
70 Gerrymander 不公正地划分选区254
71 Get the Drop on Someone 先发制人258
72 Getting Down to Brass Tacks 触及铜钉262
73 Ghost Writer 幽灵作者266
74 Go for It 拼一次270
75 Go Haywire 捆干草的铁丝272
76 Goat Phrases “羊”字的妙用276
77 Gobbledegook 嘎巴地咕咕280
78 Goldbrick 假金砖282
79 Grass Phrases “草”字的妙用286
80 Great Scott 了不起的斯科特290
81 Green 绿色294
82 Guinea Pig 豚鼠298
83 Hair of the Dog 狗毛300
84 Ham Actor 火腿演员302
85 Handwriting on theWall 墙上的字304
86 Hang Hang 及其妙用306
87 Heart 心310
88 Hello 哈啰314
89 High on the Hog 吃上里脊了318
90 Hit the Books 攻书320
91 Hobson's Choice 霍氏选择322
92 Hold Your Horses 拉住你的马326
93 Holding the Bag 捧口袋330
94 Hook,Line and Sinker 连钩带线、外加坠子334
95 Horse of Another Color 另一种颜色的马336
96 Hot “热”字的妙用342
97 Hot Dog 热狗344
98 Huh,Uh-Uh and Um 嗬、呃呃和母348
99 Indian 印第安人352
100 Indian Summer 印第安之夏354
101 Inside the Beltway 环形路以内360
102 Jack of All Trades and Renaissance Man 百业巧匠与文艺复兴式能人364
103 Jawboning 动嘴368
104 Jinx and Hex 晦气和咒语372
105 Junk Food 零食376
106 Kangaroo Court 非正规法庭378
107 Keep Your Shirt on 别脱掉衬衫380
108 Keeping up with the Joneses 赶上琼斯家384
109 Kick 踢388
110 Last Straw 最后那根稻草390
111 Lay an Egg 吃零蛋394
112 Lefty 左撇子396
113 Leg to Stand on 站得住脚400
114 Loaded for Bear 装好打熊的弹药404
115 Lobby 院外游说408
116 Logroll 滚木头410
117 Low Man on the Toten Pole414
118 Lying 撒谎418
119 Mad as a… 跟……一样疯422
120 Maverick 自行其是的人424
121 Minding the Store,Minding Your P's and Q's 照看店铺,谨慎小心428
122 Monkey 猴子432
123 Muckraker 专揭丑事的人436
124 Mugwump 独立分子440
125 Nose out of Joint 鼻子拧了444
126 Not Worth a Rap 分文不值448
127 Nuts and Bolts 螺母和螺栓450
128 Okay 行啊454
129 On His High Horse 骑高头大马458
130 On the Bean 循着电波462
131 Over a Barrel 趴在桶上466
132 Pain in the Neck 脖子疼470
133 Pan 淘金474
134 Pass the Buck 把银元递下去478
135 Pay Through the Nose 用鼻子偿付480
136 Philadelphia Lawyer 费城律师484
137 Pink Slip 粉色便条488
138 Play Possum 装负鼠490
139 Poker 扑克494
140 Powwow 咆哇498
141 Pull up Stakes 拔起界桩502
142 Pull up Your Socks 提提袜子506
143 Put One on 逗人510
144 Rain Check 因雨延期凭证512
145 Raise Cain 捣乱516
146 Real McCoy 货真价实520
147 Red Letter Day 用红字表示的日子522
148 Ripoff 扯掉526
149 Rx 处方530
150 Santa Claus 圣诞老人532
151 Scofflaw 嘲弄法律者536
152 Sequoia 席夸雅540
153 Shenandoah 谢南多亚河544
154 Shilly-Shally 犹犹豫豫546
155 Shoes 鞋子550
156 Shoo-in 必胜者554
157 Skeleton in the Closet 藏在衣橱里的骷髅556
158 Skin of My Teeth 牙齿上的皮560
159 Smoking Gun 冒烟的枪564
160 Sneaker “斯尼科”鞋566
161 SoaP Phrases “肥皂”一词的妙用570
162 State of the Art 目前的工艺水平572
163 Stiff Upper Lip 倔强的上唇576
164 Stonewall 石墙战略580
165 Stunp 树桩584
166 Sucker 吃奶的人588
167 Superstar 超级明星592
168 Swan Song 天鹅之歌594
169 Table 桌子598
170 Talk Through Your Hat 透过帽子讲话602
171 Talk Turkey 谈火鸡606
172 Tight-Fisted 手攥得紧紧的610
173 Tin Pan Alley 洋铁皮锅巷614
174 Tomahawk-Hatchet-Ax 战斧-短斧-斧子618
175 Tongue-in-Cheek 戏谑622
176 Touch All Bases 触遍各垒626
177 Turkey 火鸡630
178 Vaseline 凡士林634
179 Walk a Tightrope 走钢丝638
180 Water 水642
181 Weasel 黄鼠狼644
182 Wedded Words(Nip and Tuck;Hem and Haw) 词的联姻(势均力敌;哼哼哈哈)648
183 Wheel 轮子654
184 Where's the Beef? 牛肉在哪儿?656
185 Whistle 吹口哨、鸣笛660
186 White Elephant 白象664
187 White-Haired Boy 白发男儿666
188 Wild Goose Chase 追逐大雁668
189 Wildcat 野猫672
190 Windfall 意外收获676
191 Yankee 扬基佬680
192 Your John Hancock 你的约翰·汉考克682
193 Your Name Will Be Mud 你的名字将成为污泥686
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