

  • 张乾二著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030224439
  • 出版时间:2008
  • 标注页数:779页
  • 文件大小:29MB
  • 文件页数:792页
  • 主题词:张乾二-文集;物理化学-文集


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键级守恒法研究甲酸在过渡金属上的分解机理 高等学校化学学报 1993,14,(04),540-544400

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Theoretical Resonance Energies of Benzene,Cyclobutadiene,and Butadiene Journal of Physical Chemistry 1994,98,(40),10048-10053414

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价键理论新进展 高等学校化学学报 1996,17,(07),1119-1126513

Paired-Permanent Approach to Valence Bond Theory Science in China,Ser.B 1996,39,(05),456-467523

Analogy Between Real Irreducible Tensor Operator and Molecular Two-Particle Operator Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 1997,96,(2),135-139535

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Construction and Applications of Symmetrized Valence Bond Wave Functions International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1998,66,(1),1-7551

Visual Valence Bond Rules for Chemical Reactions Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 1999,101,(5),352-358562

化学反应的价键理论研究 中国科学B辑 1999,29,(01),8-16574

轨道去除方法及其应用 中国科学B辑 1999,29,(02),148-154584

Chemisorption and Decomposition of Thiophene and Furan on the Si(100)-2×1 Surface:A Quantum Chemical Study Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2001,105,(41),10069-10075591

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计算机模拟铜原子簇的稳定构型和能量性质 化学学报 2002,60(01),24-29613

A Theoretical Exploration of the 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions onto the Sidewalls of(n,n)Armchair Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003,125,(34),10459-10464621

Diradical Mechanisms for the Cycloaddition Reactions of 1,3-Butadiene,Benzene,Thiophene,Ethylene and Acetylene on Si(111)-7×7 Surface Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003,125,(26),7923-7929633

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Computational Characterization of Low-Lying States and Intramolecular Charge Transfers in N-Phenylpyrrole and the Planar-Rigidized Fluorazene Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2006,110,(5),1740-1748662


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Mechanism of Methanol Decomposition on Clean and Oxygen-Modified Fe,Cu Surfaces:Bond-Order Conversion Approach Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry 1993,2,(3),185-194695

Valence Bond Description for Structures of Ozone,Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrite Chinese Journal of Chemistry 1993,11,(6),490-498696

Bond Order Conservation Approach to the Decomposition of Methanol on Fe and Cu Surfaces 催化学报 1993,(增刊),187-192697

H3+体系基态和电子激发态的价键方法研究 高等学校化学学报 1993,14,(07),1000-1003698

合成气在Rh(111)上转化为乙醇的机理的键级守恒研究 分子催化 1993,7,(06),466-470699

Pt2M2异金属四核原子簇化合物成键规律探讨 物理化学学报 1994,10,(10),887-891700

对取代苯Ph—X(X=F,OH,NH2)的价键理论研究 高等学校化学学报 1994,15,(08),1187-1189701

激光产生的新型硼烷的拓扑结构 科学通报 1994,39,(07),609-611702

π Conjugation in Butadiene Conformers Chinese Journal of Chemistry 1995,13,(1),27-32703

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价键结构函数与键函数——Ⅱ.水分子的计算与分析 化学学报 1995,53,(02),116-119705

Quantitative Valence Bond Studies of the Isoelectronic Series XO3 and BF3 物理化学学报 1995,11,(08),738-740706

Real Irreducible Tensorial Sets International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1996,59,(3),173-182707

过渡金属异核原子簇化学键研究1.Ⅷ-Ⅷ,ⅥB-Ⅷ族双金属原子簇电子结构研究 化学学报 1997,55(02),140-146708

过渡金属异核原子簇化学键研究2.ⅠB-Ⅷ,ⅠB-ⅥB族金属四核原子簇电子结构研究 化学学报 1997,55,(02),147-152709

Valence Bond Study of Dissociation Behavior and Spectroscopic Constants for the Ground States of LiF and NaF Chemical Research in Chinese Universities 1998,14,(3),297-303710

Spectroscopic Constants and Bonding Features of the Low-Lying States of LiB and LiB+:Comparative Study of VBSCF and MO Theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1998,70,(2),283-290711

Efficient Algorithm for the Spin-Free Valence Bond Theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 1998,67,(5),287-297712

The Hybrid DFT and Molecular Orbital Study of Structure and Molecular Bonding of FeO4 and FeO-4 Journal of Molecular Structure-Theochem 1999,489,(2-3),165-176713

An ab initio Molecular Orbital Study of the Electronic Spectrum and Dissociation Features of Li2F Chemical Physics 1999,243,(1-2),209-213714

Chemisorption of CO at Strongly Basic Sites of MgO Solid:A Theoretical Study Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2000,104,(43),10024-10031715

Theoretical Characterization of Photoisomerization Channels of Dimethylpyridines on the Singlet and Triplet Potential Energy Surfaces Chemistry-a European Journal 2001,7,(9),1927-1935716

Static Polarizabilities of Copper Cluster Monocarbonyls CunCo(n=2~13)and Selectivity of CO Adsorption on Copper Clusters Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2002,106,(37),9649-9654717

Organic Functionalization of the Sidewalls of Carbon Nanotubes by Diels-Alder Reactions:A Theoretical Prediction Organic Letters 2002,4,(24),4313-4315718

Can the Sidewalls of Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes be Ozonized? Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2002,106,(9),2136-2139719

Valence Bond Configuration Interaction:A Practical ab initio Valence Bond Method That Incorporates Dynamic Correlation Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2002,106,(11),2721-2726720

Bond Length Features of Linear Carbon Chains of Finite to Infinite Size:Visual Interpretation from Pauling Bond Orders International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2003,94,(3),144-149721

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Studies of Solvation Free Energies of Methylammoniums and Irregular Basicity Ordering of Methylamines in Aqueous Solution by a Combined Discrete-Continuum Model Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004,108,(19),4277-4282724

Effects of Chain Length and Au Spin-Orbit Coupling on3(ππ*)Emission from Bridging C2-n Units:Theoretical Characterization of Spin-Forbidden Radiative Transitions in Metal-capped One-Dimensional Carbon Chains[H3Pau(C≡C)nAuPH3 Chemistry-a European Journal 2004,10,(8),1920-1925725

A Density Functional Study on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Clusters CnN-3(n=1~8) Journal of Chemical Physics 2004,121,(23),11661-11667726

The Magnitude of Hyperconjugation in Ethane:A Perspective From ab initio Valence Bond Theory Angewandte Chemie,International Edition 2004,43,(15),1986-1990727

VBPCM:A Valence Bond Method that Incorporates a Polarizable Continuum Model Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2004,108,(28),6017-6024728

Spherical Double Electric Layer Structure and Unprecedented High Stability of the P20O20 Cage and Its Anionic Endohedral Complex Na-@P20O20 Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2004,108,(15),4579-4581729

Applications of Graphic Method to C20,C60,and Achiral Single-Wall Nanotubes International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2004,98,(1),51-58730

(BN)n富勒烯和单层BN纳米管的图形理论方法研究 高等学校化学学报 2004,25,(03),543-546731

Computational Analyses of Singlet-Singlet and Singlet-Triplet Transitions in Mononuclear Gold-Capped Carbon-Rich Conjugated Complexes Journal of Computational Chemistry 2005,26,(12),1214-1221732

Enzymatic and Catalytic Reduction of Dinitrogen to Ammonia:Density Functional Theory Characterization of Alternative Molybdenum Active Sites International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2005,103,(3),344-353733

Origins of Rotational Barriers in Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydrazine Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2005,1,(3),394-402734

Structure and Stability of Binary Transition-Metal Clusters(NbCo)n(n≤5):A Relativistic Density-Functional Study Journal of Chemical Physics 2005,123,(6),10735

铌团簇和配合物的多面体分子轨道理论研究 高等学校化学学报 2005,26,(08),1497-1501736

Structures and Electronic Properties of M2C2@C78(M=Ti,Zr,Hf):A Density Functional Theory Study Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2007,7,(4-5),1346-1352737

(ZnS)(6~12)团簇三阶非线性光学性质的理论研究 高等学校化学学报 2007,28,(06),1126-1130738




