
- 龚晓明,明文军编著 著
- 出版社: 上海:上海音乐出版社
- ISBN:7806676260
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:746页
- 文件大小:61MB
- 文件页数:772页
- 主题词:民间舞蹈-打击乐组-器乐曲-中国-选集-高等学校-教材
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总序 Preface by Wang Guobin&王国宾1
前言 Introduction1
第一部分 民族民间舞打击乐教程 Part One Percussion Music in Chinese National and Folk Dance3
第一章 教材大纲 Chapter One Teaching Programme3
一、教学目的与任务 Ⅰ.Goals and Tasks of Teaching3
二、教学内容 Ⅱ.Contents of Teaching3
三、教学方法与教学要求 Ⅲ.Method and Demands of Teaching3
四、教学对象 Ⅳ.Targets of Teaching3
五、教学时数 Ⅴ.Period of Teaching4
六、教材及教学参考书目 Ⅵ.Teaching Material and Bibliography of Teaching4
第二章 汉族民间舞打击乐乐器简介及演奏方法 Chapter Two Percussion Instruments of ‘ Han’ Nation Folk Dance and Method of Their Porformance5
一、鼓 Ⅰ.Drum5
二、锣 Ⅱ.Gong5
三、 Ⅲ.Cymbal钹5
第三章 汉族民间舞打击乐节奏练习 Chapter Three Exercises for Percussion Music in ‘ Han’ Nation Folk Dance7
一、鼓的常用节奏单一练习 Ⅰ.Unitary Exercise for Regular Rhythm of Drum7
二、东北秧歌常用节奏练习 Ⅱ.Exercise for Regular Rhythm of Yangge in Northeast Province10
三、安徽花鼓灯常用节奏练习一 Ⅲ.Exercise One for Regular Rhythm of Flower - drum Opera in Anhui Province14
四、安徽花鼓灯常用节奏练习二 Ⅳ.Exercise Two for Regular Rhythm of Flower - drum Opera in Anhui Province18
五、山东秧歌常用节奏练习 Ⅴ.Exercise for Regular Rhythm of Yangge in Shandong Province38
第四章 少数民族民间舞打击乐节奏练习 Chapter Four Percussion Instruments of Minority Nation Folk Dance and Method of Their Performance42
一、新疆手鼓常用节奏集锦 Ⅰ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Hand - drum in Xinjiang Province42
二、朝鲜族长鼓常用节奏集锦 Ⅱ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Long -drum in Korean Nationality50
三、傣族孔雀舞鼓谱 Ⅲ.Collect ion of Regular Rhythm of Peacock Dance in Dai Nationality56
四、傣族象脚鼓常用节奏集锦 Ⅳ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Elephant - leg Drum in Dai Nationality59
五、苗族鼓点 Ⅴ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Drumbeats in Miao Nationality66
六、满族萨满跳神鼓点集锦 Ⅵ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Drumbeats for ‘ Saman’ in Manchu Nationality74
七、佤族木鼓常用节奏集锦 Ⅶ.Collection of Regular Rhythm of Wood - drum in ‘ Wa’ Nationality78
第五章 打击乐演奏谱例 Chapter Five Examples for Percussion Music Performance82
一、山东秧歌《扇妞》节选 Ⅰ.Division from ‘Yangge’ in Shandong Province - Fan girl82
二、东北秧歌《浪秧歌》节选 Ⅱ.Division from ‘Yangge’ in Northeast Province - Wave Yangge88
三、苗族《赛舞蹈》节选 Ⅲ.Division from Miao Nationality - Dance Competition89
四、藏族《藏舞》节选 Ⅳ.Division from Tibetan Nationality - Dance of Tibetan Nationality93
五、安徽花鼓灯《抢板凳》节选 Ⅴ.Division from Flower - drum Opera in Anhui Province - Snatching Chairs97
第二部分 中国民族民间舞蹈音乐 Part Two Dance Music of Chinese National and Folk Dance111
第一章 汉族民间舞蹈音乐 Chapter One Dance Music of ‘ Han’ National and Folk Dance111
一、东北秧歌民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅰ.Folk Dance Music of ‘Yangge’ in Northeast Province111
二、山东秧歌民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅱ.Folk Dance Music of ‘ Yangge’ in Shandong Province187
三、安徽花鼓灯民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅲ.Folk Dance Music of Flower -drum Opera in Anhui Province222
四、云南花灯民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅳ.Folk Dance Music of Festival - Lantern Opera in Yunnan Province242
第二章 少数民族民间舞蹈音乐 Chapter Two Dance Music of Minority National and Folk Dance266
一、藏族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅰ.Folk Dance Music of Tibetan Nationality266
二、蒙古族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅱ.Folk Dance Music of ‘ Menggu’ Nationality327
三、维吾尔族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅲ.Folk Dance Music of Uighur Nationality389
四、朝鲜族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅳ.Folk Dance Music of Korean Nationality455
五、满族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅴ.Folk Dance Music of Manchu Nationality506
六、傣族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅵ.Folk Dance Music of Dai Nationality520
七、高山族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅶ.Folk Dance Music of ‘ Gaoshan’ Nationality542
八、苗族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅷ.Folk Dance Music of ‘ Miao’ Nationality561
九、彝族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅸ.Folk Dance Music of ‘ Yi’ Nationality583
十、其他少数民族民间舞蹈音乐 Ⅹ.Folk Dance Music of Other Minority Nationalities611
第三章 舞蹈音乐作品选辑 Chapter Three Collection of Dance Music679
索引 Index720
附录:部分乐器图片 Appendix: Selection of Instrument Pictures743
后记 Postscript745
参考书目 Bibliography746
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