
中国科技史探索 国际版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

中国科技史探索 国际版
  • 李国豪编 著
  • 出版社: 上海:上海古籍出版社
  • ISBN:13186·2
  • 出版时间:1982
  • 标注页数:835页
  • 文件大小:67MB
  • 文件页数:853页
  • 主题词:


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The First Half-Life of Joseph Needham Lu Gwei-Djen (England)1

Ⅰ Joseph Needham(Senior)in British Red Cross Society uniform as consultant anaesthetist,ca.1916 Ⅱ Alicia Adelaide Montgomery Needham(mother),ca.1902 Ⅲ Joseph Needham,ca.1902 Ⅳ Joseph Needham,ca.1903 between pages8


Ⅴ Joseph Needham and Dorothy Moyle Needham(wife)outside Cambridge Biochemical Laboratory,ca.1928-9 Ⅵ-Ⅷ Joseph Needham in the laboratory(1),(2),(3),1935 between pages24

Ⅸ Joseph Needham with Lu Gwei-Djen(鲁桂珍)at Vinci,Italy,1965 facing Page36

Ⅹ Joseph Needham with Kuo Mo-Jo(郭沫若)in Peking,1972 facing Page37

Peregrinations with Joseph Needham in China,1943-44 Huang Hsing-Tsung(U.S.A)39

Ⅺ Joseph Needham as Scientific Counsellor,British Embassy,and Director,Sino-British Science Cooperation Office,Chungking(重庆),1943 facing Page40

Ⅻ Joseph Needam in Chengtu,Szechuan(四川成都)with Ho Wen-Chun (何文俊,agriculturist),Pheng Yun-Hua(彭蕴华,Ho s wife),and Lo Chung-Shu(罗忠恕,philosopher),1942 facing Page41

ⅩⅢ Joseph Needham with Wang Chia-Chhi(王家楫,third from the right)at the meeting of Chinese Chemical Society,Beipei,Szechuan(四川北碚),1943 facing Page44

ⅩⅣ Joseph Needham(fourth from the left)and Sir Frederick Eggleston(Australian Ambassador,third from the right)visiting a power alcohol factory in Szechuan;the manager,Chang Chi-Hsi(张季熙),is between the two visitors,1942 facing Page45

ⅩⅤ Huang Hsing-Tsung(黄兴宗);at Kuangyuan,Szechuan(四川广元),1943 facing Page52

ⅩⅥ Kuang Wei(广威,driver)and Lao Yu (老于,mechanic),at Tunhuang,Kansu(甘肃敦煌),1943 facing Page53

ⅩⅦ Joseph Needham in Chinese uniform,1945-6 facing Page74

ⅩⅧ Joseph Needham in Chinese dress,1945-6 facing Page75

From Pao-pu-tse to Mawangtui Cao Tianqin(China)77

Why the Scientific Revolution did not Take Place in China-or didn t It? N.Siyin(U.S.A)89

The Historian and the Experimentalist Anthony R.Butler(Scotland)107

Administrative Statistics in Ming T ai-tsung Shih-lu-An Illustration of Chinese Bureaucratism as Criticized by Dr.Needham Ray Huang (U.S.A)115

The Observational Date of the Shih-shih Hsing-ching Kiyosi Yabuuti(Japan)133

Another Manuscript Star-map from Dunhuang-The Dunhuang Star-map B Xia Nai(China)143

ⅩⅨ Dunhuang Star-map B facing Page146

ⅩⅩ Dunhuang Star-map A facing Page147

Variation of Tropical Year Length in Far Eastern Astronomy and Its Observational Basis Shigeru Nakayama(Japan)155

On the Role of Hsu Kuang-ch I at the Ch ung-ch eng Calendrical Reform Project Keizo Hashimoto(Japan)185

Mathematical Manuscripts from the Tunhuang Caves U.J.Libbrecht(Belgium)203

Chinese Polynomial Equations in the 13th Century Lam Lay Yong(Singapore)231

The Areas Covered by Wu Zang Shan Jing Tan Qixiang(China)273

The First Printed Chinese Rutter-Duhai Fangcheng Tian Rukang(China)301

Study on the Periods during which Alchemical Canons and Methods or Books(of Taoistic Patrology)Appeared Chen Guofu(China)309

On the Zaohua zhinan Ho Peng Yoke(Australia)357

The Silk-Workshops of the Shang Dynasty(16th-11th Century B.C.) Dieter Kuhn(England)367

Siege Engines and Late Zhou Military Technology Robin D.S.Yates(U.S.A.)409

Chinese Mining:Where Was the gunpowder? Peter J.Golas(U.S.A.)453

Why Paper and Printing were Invented First in China and Used Later in Europe Tsuen-hsuin Tsien(U.S.A.)459

Form and Function in the Evolution of the Wooden Wheel Andre Wegener Sleeswyk(The Netherlands)471

On the Chinese Arch Bridges Li Guohao(China)505

On Ancient Chinese Zootaxonomy Zou Shuwen(China)511

The Four Sacred Animals Zhang Mengwen(China)525

ⅩⅪ Agkistrodon acutus(Guenther) facing Page528

ⅩⅫ Pavo muticus imperator(Delacour) facing Page529

The Difficult Task of Blending Chinese and Western Science:The Case of Modern Interpretations of Traditional Chinese Medicine Manfred Porkert(Germany)553

The Conceptual History of Psychiatric Terms in Traditional Chinese Medicine Hans Agren(Sweden)573

Hung-ch ien,Red Lead,an Elixir of Life in the Ming Dynasty Miyasita Saburo(Japan)583

The Chinese Contribution to Europe s Agricultural Revolution:A Technology Transformed Francesca Bray(England)597

Agricultural Production and Agrotechnique of the Zhou Dynasty as Reflected in The Book of Songs Xia Weiying Fan Chuyu(China)639

The Spread of Rice Cultivation and Rice Technology into the Hebei Region in the Ming and Qing Timothy Brook(Canada)659

A Korean Collection of Agronomic Writings in Chinese Hu Daojing(China)691

Bibliographies of Works by Joseph Needham703

