
幽默图画英语一句通 谚语【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

幽默图画英语一句通 谚语
  • 萧林编写;徐骏等绘画 著
  • 出版社: 上海:东方出版中心
  • ISBN:7806279830
  • 出版时间:2003
  • 标注页数:196页
  • 文件大小:29MB
  • 文件页数:227页
  • 主题词:其他


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1 A cat has nine lives 猫有九条命。1

2 A light heart lives long 乐观者长寿。2

3 A promise is a promise 一诺值千金。3

4 A watched pot never boils 守着水壶老不开。4

5 Accidents will happen 不测之事常发生。5

6 Advice is seldom welcome 忠言多逆耳。6

7 Affection blinds reason 情令智昏。7

8 After death, doctor 人死医至,为时已晚。8

9 After wind comes rain 山雨欲来风满楼。9

10 All covet, all lose 贪婪到头一场空。10

11 All roads lead to Rome 条条道路通罗马。11

12 All his geese are swans 自己的东西样样好。12

13 All that lives must die 有生必有死。13

14 Anger is a short madness 愤怒是一时的疯狂。14

15 Any port in a storm 船遇风暴不挑港。15

16 Avarice blinds our eyes 贪欲障人眼。16

17 Bad news has wings 坏事传千里。17

18 Beauty is but skin deep 美丽只是外表罢了。18

19 Beauty lies in lover s eyes 情人眼里出西施。19

20 Bed is a medicine 睡好觉,如服药。20

21 Beggars s bags are bottomless 乞丐口袋没有底。21

22 Beggers cannot be choosers 乞丐不配挑肥,拣瘦。22

23 Best is best cheap 优质商品最合算。23

24 Business before pleasure 先工作后娱乐。24

25 By doing we learn 边干边学。25

26 Calumny requires no proof 诽谤无需证据。26

27 Care killed a cat 忧虑伤身。27

28 Chance is a dicer 机会犹如掷骰子。28

29 Clubs are trump 武力解决问题。29

30 Content is happiness 知足长乐。30

31 Cowards are cruel 懦夫多残忍。31

32 Creep before you walk 先学爬,后学走。32

33 Diamond cut diamond 势均力敌。33

34 Dog does not eat dog 虎毒不食子。34

35 Easy come. easy go 易得则易失。35

36 Even a worm will turn 麻雀虽小,五脏俱全。36

37 Every barber konws that 尽人皆知。37

38 Every bullet has its billet 凡事命中注定。38

39 Every flow hat its ebb 有兴必有衰。39

40 Every little helps 积小钱,办大事。40

41 Every man has his gift 天生我才必有用。41

42 Every why has its wherefore 凡事均有因。42

43 Exchange is no robbery 交换不是掠夺。43

44 Everything new is fine 东西都是新的好。44

45 Experience is sometimes dangerous 经验有时靠不住。45

46 Experience teaches 经验给人教训。46

47 Extremes are dangerous 走极端,有危险。47

48 Extremes meet 物极必反。48

49 Eye for eye,tooth for tooth 以眼还眼,以牙还牙。49

50 Faith will move mountain 心诚可移山。50

51 Fat hens lay few eggs 鸡肥不生蛋。51

52 Fish follow the bait 贪小上大当。52

53 Forbidden fruit is sweet 禁果分外甜。53

54 Forgive all but yourself 宽以待人,严以律己。54

55 Fortune favours fools 戆有戆福。55

56 Fortune follows effort 随努力而来的是幸福。56

57 Good courage breaks bad luck 勇气可以改变厄运。57

58 Good wine needs no cries 酒好无需叫卖。58

59 Good words fill no sack 好话再多装不满袋。59

60 Grasp all, lost all 样样抓,样样失。60

61 Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同。61

62 Habit is second nature 习惯成自然。62

63 Hardships never come alone 祸不单行。63

64 Harm set, harm get 搬起石头砸自己的脚。64

65 Hasty love,soon cold 爱得匆忙冷得快。65

66 He sings to the desf 对牛弹琴。66

67 Health is great riches 健康值千金。67

68 History repeats itself 历史会重演。68

69 Homer sometimes nods 巨匠也有败笔。69

70 Hope is a lover s staff 希望是爱情的支柱。70

71 Hot love is soon cold 炎热的爱情冷得快。71

72 Hurger is the best sauce 饥饿是最好的调味品。72

73 Idle young, needy old 少年懒,老来贫。73

74 Ill weeds grow fast 杂草长得快。74

75 Ill will never said well 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。76

76 In doing we learn 边干边学习。76

77 In wine there is truth 酒后吐真言。77

78 It s dogged as does it 精诚所至,金石为开。78

79 Justice has long arms 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。79

80 kissing goes by favour 喜欢谁就亲热谁。80

81 Knowing is seeing 秀才不出门。能知天下事。81

82 Laugh and be fat 常笑发福。82

83 Learn not and know not 不学则无术。83

84 Lies have short legs 谎言站不住脚。84

85 Life is but a span 人生短暂。85

86 Life is lottery 世事难料。86

87 Like cures like 以毒攻毒。87

88 Like father, like son 有其父必有其子。88

89 Like for like 一报还一报。89

90 Like knows like 英雄识豪杰。90

91 Little fish are sweet 鱼小味鲜。礼轻情在。91

92 Live and let live 容人人亦能容己。92

93 Long absent, soon forgotten 别久情疏。93

94 Look after number one 自我第一。94

95 Love begets love 因爱生爱。95

96 Love conquers all things 爱能战胜一切。96

97 Love is blind 爱情是盲目的。97

98 Man proposes; God disposes 谋事在人,成事在天。98

99 Many dishes, many diseases 暴食暴饮疾病多。99

100 Many men, many minds 各有各的主意。100

101 March many weathers 三月天气变化多。101

102 Misery loves company 同病相怜。102

103 Mocking is catching 奚落人者被人奚落。103

104 Modesty is intelligence 谦逊就是才智。104

105 Money begets money 钱能生钱。105

106 Money isn t everything 金钱并非万能。106

107 More haste, less speed 欲速则不达。107

108 Much ado about nothing 无事空忙。108

109 Muffled cats catch no mice 蒙眼猫难捕鼠。109

110 Nature passes art 天然胜过人工。110

111 Need makes greed 需求诱人贪。111

112 Never too old to learn 学无止境。112

113 New broom sweeps clean 新官上任三把火。113

114 New kings, new laws 一个将军一个令。114

115 News are like fish 新闻就像鱼,过后不新鲜。115

116 No day without a line 一天不画手就生。116

117 No flying form fate 劫数难逃。117

118 No joy without annoy 有乐就有悲。118

119 No man is born wise 人非生而知之。119

120 No man is content 人心不知足。120

121 No news is good news 没消息就是好消息。121

122 No pains, no gains 不劳则无获。122

123 No smoke without fire 无风不起浪。123

124 No sweet without sweat 不吃苦头,哪有甜头。124

125 Nothing succeeds like success 一事成则事事成。125

126 Nothing venture, onthing have 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。126

127 Old shoes are easiest 旧鞋穿起来最宽适。127

128 Old springs give no price 老曲调不值钱。128

129 Older and wiser 姜是老的辣。129

130 Once bit twice shy 一次被咬,下次胆小。130

131 One good turn deserves another 善有善报。131

132 One ill turn deserves another 恶有恶报。132

133 One man is no man 个人微不足道。133

134 One sows and anther reaps 前人栽树,后人乘凉。134

135 Other times, other manners 时移欲易。135

136 Our enemy is our master 敌人是老师。136

137 Over fast over loose 过犹不及。137

138 Pardon makes offenders 姑息养奸。138

139 Pleasant hours fly fsat 幸福时光如箭飞。139

140 Poverty tries friends 贫困见真情。140

141 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。141

142 Praise is not pudding 好话不能当饭吃。142

143 Pride feels no cold 娇娃图俏宁受冻。143

144 Pride will have a fall 骄者必败。144

145 Promise is debt 诺言是债务。145

146 Queen Anne is dead 不是新闻是旧闻。146

147 Readiness is all 有备无患。147

148 Rest breeds rust 人不活动百病生。148

149 Return good for evil 以德报怨。149

150 Rome was not built in a day 罗马不是一天建成的。150

151 Roses have thorns 玫瑰多刺。151

152 Rumour is a lying jade 谣言不攻自破。152

153 Salt seasons all things 盐能调百味。153

154 See Naples and die 看到那不勒斯,死也甘心。154

155 Seeing is believing 眼见为实。155

156 Seldom comes a better 一蟹不如一蟹。156

157 Silence catches a mouse 不声不响逮得住老鼠。157

158 Slow help is no help 晚帮忙等于不帮忙。158

159 Soon up, soon down 一步登天,一落千丈。159

160 Spring follows winter 时来运转。r160

161 Standing pools gather filth 止水纳垢。161

162 Suspicion has double eyes 疑心生暗鬼。162

163 Table friendship soon changes 酒肉朋友靠不住。163

164 Take things as they come 既来之,则安之164

165 Talking mends no holes 空谈无济于事。165

166 Tall trees catch much wind 树大招风。166

167 Temperance is the best medicine 节制是最好的药。167

168 The ass wags his ears 驴子喜欢摇耳朵,傻瓜总爱装聪明。168

169 The biter bit 骗人者反被人骗。169

170 The devil rebukes sin 贼喊捉贼。170

171 The end crowns the work 结局决定一切。171

172 The style is the man 文如其人172

173 The waters wear the stones 水滴石穿。173

174 There is safety in numbers 人多保险。174

175 Time is great healer 时间能治好感情上的创伤。175

176 Time lost cannot be recalled 光阴一去不复返。176

177 Time tries truth 时间检验真理。177

178 To err is human 人非圣贤,熟能无过。178

179 Tomorrow never comes 明天靠不住。179

180 Too too will in two 过头会坏事。180

181 Troubles never come alone 祸不单行。181

182 Truth will conquer 真理必胜。182

183 Use legs and have legs 越干越行。183

184 Use is all 实用就是一切。184

185 Variety is charming 丰富多彩最宜人。185

186 Vice makes virtue shine 恶使善彰。186

187 Virtue is beyond price 美德乃无价之宝。187

188 Walls have ears 隔墙有耳。188

189 Wake not a sleeping lion 切莫惹是生非。189

190 Waste makes want 浪费出贫穷。190

191 Waste not, want not 不浪费,不匮乏。191

192 Well fed, well bred 衣食足,知荣辱。192

193 Who may woo but cost 谁人求爱不破费?193

194 Who will bell the cat 谁愿为大家冒险。194

195 Wits are wealth 才智就是财富。195

196 Years bring wisdom 智慧与年俱增。196
