
The Imitation of Christ【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

The Imitation of Christ
  • 出版社: Penguin Books
  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:1952
  • 标注页数:217页
  • 文件大小:25MB
  • 文件页数:219页
  • 主题词:


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THE CHAPTERS OF THE FIRST BOOK Counsels on the Spiritual Life11

1 On the Imitation of Christ27

2 On Personal Humility28

3 On the Teaching of Truth30

4 On Prudence in Action32

5 On Reading the Holy Scriptures33

6 On Control of the Desires33

7 On Avoiding Vain Hope and Conceit34

8 On Guarding against Familiarity35

9 On Obedience and Discipline36

10 On Avoiding Talkativeness36

11 On Peace,and Spiritual Progress37

12 On the Uses of Adversity39

13 On Resisting Temptations40

14 On Avoiding Rash Judgements42

15 On Deeds Inspired by Love43

16 On Bearing with the Faults of Others44

17 On the Monastic Life45

18 On the Examples of the Holy Fathers46

19 On the Practices of a Good Religious48

20 On the Love of Solitude and Silence50

21 On Contrition of Heart53

22 On Human Misery55

23 A Meditation on Death57

24 On Judgement,and the Punishment of Sinners60

25 On the Zealous Amendment of our Life63

THE CHAPTERS OF THE SECOND BOOK Counsels on the Inner Life67

1 On the Inner Life67

2 On Humble Submission to God70

3 On the Good and Peaceful Man70

4 On Purity of Mind and Simplicity of Purpose72

5 On Knowing Ourselves73

6 On the Joys of a Good Conscience74

7 On Loving Jesus above all Things75

8 On Close Friendship with Jesus76

9 On the Lack of all Comfort78

10 On Gratitude for God's Grace81

11 On the Few Lovers of the Cross of Jesus83

12 On the Royal Road of the Holy Cross84


1 How Christ Speaks Inwardly to the Soul91

2 How Truth Instructs us in Silence92

3 On Humble Attention to God's Word93

4 On Truth and Humility95

5 On the Wonderful Effect of Divine Love97

6 On the Proof of a True Lover99

7 On Concealing Grace under Humility101

8 On Humility in the Sight of God103

9 How God Alone is our True End104

10 On the Joy of God's Service105

11 On Control of the Heart107

12 On Learning Patience108

13 On Obedience,after the Example of Christ110

14 On the Secret Judgements of God111

15 On the Ordering of our Desires112

16 How True Comfort is to be Sought in God Alone114

17 How we must put our Whole Trust in God115

18 How Sorrows are to be Borne Patiently116

19 On Enduring Injuries,and the Proof of Patience117

20 On our own Weakness,and the Trials of This Life118

21 How we must Rest in God Alone above all Things120

22 On Being Mindful of God’s Blessings122

23 On Four Things that Bring Peace124

24 On the Evils of Curiosity126

25 On Lasting Peace and True Progress127

26 On the Excellence of a Free Mind128

27 How Self-Love Hinders our Search for God130

28 Against Slander131

29 How we should Bless God in all Trouble132

30 On Asking God's Help,and the Certainty of his Grace133

31 On Forsaking Creatures to Find the Creator135

32 On Self-Denial,and Renunciation of our Desires137

33 On Inconstancy of Heart138

34 On God's Graciousness to Those who Love Him139

35 How There is no Security from Temptation140

36 Against the Vain Judgements of Men142

37 How Surrender of Self Brings Freedom of Heart143

38 On the Right Ordering of our Affairs144

39 How we should not be Over Anxious145

40 How Man has no Personal Goodness of which to Boast146

41 On Contempt for Worldly Honours147

42 That our Peace cannot Depend on Man148

43 A Warning against Vain and Worldly Learning149

44 On Avoiding Distractions150

45 How we should not Believe all we Hear151

46 On Putting our Entire Trust in God153

47 How Burdens must be Borne to win Eternal Life155

48 On Eternity,and the Limitations of This Life156

49 On the Desire for Eternal Life,and the Wonder of God's Promises159

50 On Trust in God in all Trouble162

51 How when we Lack Strength for Higher Work we should Undertake Humble Tasks165

52 How no Man is Worthy of God's Comfort165

53 How God's Grace is not Granted to the Worldly-Minded167

54 On the Contrary Workings of Nature and Grace168

55 On the Corruption of Nature,and the Power of Grace171

56 How we must Follow Christ's Way of the Cross in Self-Denial174

57 That we should never Despair175

58 How we may not Inquire into the Unsearchable Judgements of God177

59 The we should Hope and Trust in God Alone180

THE CHAPTERS OF THE FOURTH BOOK On the Blessed Sacrament183

1 On the Deep Reverence with which Christ should be Received183

2 On the Great Goodness and Love of God in this Sacrament187

3 On the Value of Frequent Communion190

4 On the Many Blessings Granted to the Devout Com-municant192

5 On the Dignity of the Sacrament,and of the Priestly Office194

6 On Preparation for Communion196

7 On Self-Examination,and the Purpose of Amendment196

8 On the Offering of Christ on the Cross198

9 How we must Offer Ourselves wholly to God,and Pray for all Men199

10 That Holy Communion is not to be Lightly Foregone201

11 How the Body of Christ and the Holy Scriptures are most Necessary to the Faithful Soul204

12 On the Need for Careful Preparation to Receive Christ in Holy Communion207

13 How the Devout Soul should Sincerely Desire Union with Christ in his Sacrament209

14 On Ardent Desire for the Body of Christ210

15 How Devotion is Won by Humility and Self-Denial211

16 How we should Declare our Needs to Christ,and Ask his Grace213

17 On Ardent Love and Eager Desire to Receive Christ214

18 How we should Approach Christ's Sacrament Humbly,Submitting Reason to Holy Faith216
