无话可说 视觉摇滚实验文本【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 老木著 著
- 出版社: 重庆:重庆出版社
- ISBN:7536671180
- 出版时间:2005
- 标注页数:249页
- 文件大小:53MB
- 文件页数:272页
- 主题词:民歌-作品集-中国-当代;摄影集-中国-现代
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目录第一辑 热釜疾蚁 Ants in the Hot Pot无话可说 How Can I Say2
身不由己 You Yourself Cannot Decide What You Do3
你到底要什么 What Do You Want4
城市梦话 City's Daydream5
不夜城 Sleepless City7
人生 Chinese Life8
高老太太 Grandma Gao-For Gao Yao Jie Professor9
耶稣受难 Jesus's on Cross10
述而不作 Only Talking,No Writing12
何必 Why Like This?13
盗版 Pirate14
满嘴金牙 Nonsense15
母校 Alma Mater16
你们都是谁 Who are You?17
舍身崖 Life-ending Cliff18
邹容 Zhou Rong19
商鞅 Shang Yang20
不幸 Questions and Premises21
乡村记事 Affairs in Countryside22
楼殇 Mouming High-Rising Buildings23
流行 Fashion24
评委 Commission Members25
绯闻 Sex Scandals26
点缀 Ornament27
大生意 Big Deals28
口是心非 Say Yes Mean No29
后现代 Post Modern30
孤独 Loneliness31
告密者 A Secret Imformer32
寻物启示 Lost and Found Notice33
买单 Paying for Bills34
汉奸走狗 Traitors35
胜利法宝 Experiences for Success38
遗忘的阴影 Consequences Caused by Lethe39
误会 Misunderstanding40
平面 Plane41
档案 Files42
变脸 Changing Face43
好人坏人 Good and Evil44
身外之物 A Folk Song about Money45
故乡的城 The Native Town46
教授 Professors47
科举 The Imperial Examination48
缺钙 Calcium Deficiency49
跳槽 Frequent Resignation50
游戏规则 Game Rules51
城乡差别 Difference between City and Countryside52
你不敢来真格的 You Not Dare Enough To Do53
第二辑 哑吭嘶声 Hoarse Cry大风景 Grand Landscape56
摇滚生活 Life with Rock and Roll57
电视 Television60
超市 Supermarket61
进化 Evolution62
模仿秀 Imitation Show63
高音喇叭 Loudspeaker64
青春寄语 Talking about Youth65
农转非 Rural Residents Becoming Urban Ones66
民以食为天 Rules for Having Meals67
注意力 Attention68
一分为二 Dialectics69
找回感觉 Getting Back Feelings70
城市垃圾 Rubbish of Cities71
夸张的表情 Exaggerating Expressions72
谎言 Lies73
幻觉 Hallucination74
艺术与生活 Art and Life75
艺术猛兽 Art Animals76
没味道 No Taste77
进学解 Reading Books78
职称 Academic Titles79
莺歌燕舞 A Scene of Prosperity80
越走越远 Going Farther and Farther81
烤鸭 Baked Ducks82
知识分子 Intellectuals83
真的假的 True or False84
身份 Identity85
孩子,父母 Children and Parents86
父子 Father and Son87
城市无梦 No Dream in City88
曾经 Once Upon ATime89
清史 the History of Qing Dynasty90
说你是谁你就是谁 The Spesking Authority91
幸福与苦难 Happiness and Suffering92
玩一把 To Gamble Once94
说不说 Say or do not Say95
体检 Personal Experiences96
名人 Big Potatos97
睡觉 Sleep98
弱智 Idiot99
刷新历史 Breaking the Record of History100
期望 Expectation101
大神弥勒 A Smiling Buddha102
知识 Knowledge103
越境 Borderline104
你们反对,我们拥护 You Oppose,We Support105
第三辑 浮生鬻句 Words Written for Living午夜酒吧 Midnight Bars108
重庆姑娘 Chongqing Girls109
城市歌谣 City Ballad110
吊脚楼 Hanging Building111
海鲜 Seafood114
好男人 Good Men115
好后生 Nice Young Men118
电梯 Elevators119
学贯中西 With Western and Oriental Knowledge120
重庆心情 Mood in Chongqing121
星光灿烂 银幕沉醉 Madly Clinging to Films122
不说爱你 NottoSay"I Love You"123
大道 Correct Road124
熊猫 Panda125
柳州谣 Going to Liuzhou126
零位置 You are Good for Nothing127
梦工厂 Dream-Making Factory128
古镇 Old Town129
上级下级 The Superior and the Subordinate129
祝酒歌 Toast Songs131
新幼学 Textbooks for Children132
六十甲子 A Circle of Sixty Years133
魔高一尺道高一丈 Having a Contest134
生死生 Life and Death135
防盗门 Doors Against Theft136
老荫茶 Laoyin Tea137
人性动物 Animals with Human Nature138
装修 Internal Decoration139
仙女山 The Xiannu Mountain140
第四辑 寒林独啸 Singing Aloud in Silent Moutain无法 No Way142
洱海对话 Dialogue with Erhai Lake143
遗憾 A Pity144
水仙 Narcissus145
飘落 Flaking Down146
毒之恋 Bitter Love147
透明的眼睛 Crystal Eyes148
雕像 Sculptures149
错位 Dislocation150
链接错误 An Error151
林中小路 A Path in the Woods152
白话词典 A Dictionary Telling Truth153
午门 The Forbidden City Gate154
“革命”与“改良” Revolution and Evolution155
千禧年 Millennium156
你问我 You Ask Me157
愿望 Hope158
蓝花布 Hand-Woven Cloth159
突然 All At Once160
走吧 Go162
春秋 Confucius's Experiments163
一路狂奔 Midnight Words164
赏花 Appreciating Flowers165
时间 Time166
水墨中国 China Like a Chinese Traditional Painting167
讨厌 Disgust170
以往 The Former Things171
泾渭 Entire Difference172
函谷 Taoism's Philosophy173
没戏 The End174
心脏 Heart175
虚空 Emptiness176
没有话题 No Topic177
迷路 Lose One's Way178
知北游 Zhuangzi's Fables179
你看 Look180
俄罗斯 Russia181
擦肩而过 Encounter182
老爸爸 Old Father183
庄子、骷髅、老婆与死 Zhuangzi,Skeleton,Wife and Death184
新陈代谢 Metabolism185
第五辑 春籁秋鸣 Sound in Spring and Autumn听雾 Experiencing Fog with Ears188
逛北京 Strolling in Beijing189
半边城 An Imperfect City190
中秋之夜 The Night of The Mid-Autumn Festival191
圣诞平安 Christmas Eve192
遥远的吆喝 Calling from the Distance193
纸鸢 Kites196
灵隐 Lingyin Temples197
陪伴 Accompanying200
黑白色空 Black and White Space201
独上高楼 Climbing up a Pagoda Alone202
小鸟 A Small Bird203
唱给母亲的歌 Songs for Mother204
风 Wind205
母亲河 Mother River206
蛇缠腰 Snaking Waist208
黔风·苗女 Girls of Miao Nationality209
教师节 Festival for Teachers210
端午 The Dragon Boat Festival211
休闲 Leisure Time212
寂寞 Loneliness213
完了 Over214
钢琴课 Piano Lesson215
找不着回去的路 You Cannot Find the Way Back216
方向 Directions217
节日 Festivals218
打望 The City Watcher220
巫山云 Clouds in Three Gorges222
关雎 Ancient Love223
第六辑 陌路绝尘 A Steange Road with few Hope江湖 Underworld226
不言不语 Saying Nothing227
打虎上山 Hero228
最后的恐龙 The Last Dinosaur229
英雄历史 History of Heroes230
故事还没说完 The Story Hasn't Been Talked Over231
道德流浪记 Sadness of Moral234
没有谁在乎你 Nobody Cares About You235
悄悄溜走 Gone Gently236
助听器 The Audiphone237
沙漠 Desert238
过客 A Short Life239
河东河西 A Contest With No Result240
你是一个贼 You Are a Thief241
老城墙 Ancient City Wall242
皇恩浩荡 Family's Honor243
爱的故事 Love Story244
不由衷肠 Speaking insincerely245
其实我并不喜欢你 Actually,I Don't Like You246
小偷与大盗 Thieves and Robbers247
男人四十 Age 40 Man248
最后一招 The Last Trick249
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