
- (美)麦克莱纶(McClellan 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:7030116186
- 出版时间:2003
- 标注页数:489页
- 文件大小:40MB
- 文件页数:514页
- 主题词:信号处理-高等学校-教材-英文
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1 Introduction1
1-1 Mathematical Representation of Signals2
1-2 Mathematical Representation of Systems4
1-3 Thinking About Systems5
1-4 The Next Step6
2 Sinusoids7
2-1 Tuning Fork Experiment8
2-2 Review of Sine and Cosine Functions9
2-3 Sinusoidal Signals11
2-3.1 Relation of Frequency to Period12
2-3.2 Phase Shift and Time Shift13
2-4 Sampling and Plotting Sinusoids15
2-5.1 Review of Complex Numbers17
2-5 Complex Exponentials and Phasors17
2-5.2 Complex Exponential Signals18
2-5.3 The Rotating Phasor Interpretation19
2-5.4 Inverse Euler Formulas21
2-6 Phasor Addition22
2-6.1 Addition of Complex Numbers23
2-6.2 Phasor Addition Rule23
2-6.3 Phasor Addition Rule:Example24
2-6.4 MATLAB Demo of Phasors25
2-6.5 Summary of the Phasor Addition Rule26
2-7 Physics of the Tuning Fork27
2-7.1 Equations from Laws of Physics27
2-7.2 General Solution to the Differential Equation29
2-7.3 Listening to Tones29
2-8 Time Signals:More Than Formulas29
2-9 Summary and Links30
2-10 Problems31
3 Spectrum Representation36
3-1 The Spectrum of a Sum of Sinusoids36
3-1.1 Notation Change38
3-1.2 Graphical Plot of the Spectrum38
3-2 Beat Notes39
3-2.1 Multiplication of Sinusoids39
3-2.2 Beat Note Waveform40
3-2.3 Amplitude Modulation41
3-3 Periodic Waveforms43
3-3.1 Synthetic Vowel44
3-3.2 Example of a Nonperiodic Signal45
3-4 Fourier Series47
3-4.2 Fourier Series Derivation48
3-4.1 Fourier Series:Analysis48
3-5 Spectrum of the Fourier Series50
3-6 Fourier Analysis of Periodic Signals51
3-6.1 The Square Wave52
3-6.1.1 DC Value of a Square Wave53
3-6.2 Spectrum for a Square Wave53
3-6.3 Synthesis of a Square Wave54
3-6.4 Triangle Wave55
3-6.5 Synthesis of a Triangle Wave56
3-6.6 Convergence of Fourier Synthesis57
3-7 Time-Frequency Spectrum57
3-7.1 Stepped Frequency59
3-7.2 Spectrogram Analysis59
3-8.1 Chirp or Linearly Swept Frequency60
3-8 Frequency Modulation:Chirp Signals60
3-8.2 A Closer Look at Instantaneous Frequency62
3-9 Summary and Links63
3-10 Problems64
4 Sampling and Aliasing71
4-1 Sampling71
4-1.1 Sampling Sinusoidal Signals73
4-1.2 The Concept of Aliasing75
4-1.3 Spectrum of a Discrete-Time Signal76
4-1.4 The Sampling Theorem77
4-1.5 Ideal Reconstruction78
4-2 Spectrum View of Sampling and Reconstruction79
4-2.1 Spectrum of a Discrete-Time Signal Obtained by Sampling79
4-2.2 Over-Sampling79
4-2.3 Aliasing Due to Under-Sampling81
4-2.4 Folding Due to Under-Sampling82
4-2.5 Maximum Reconstructed Frequency83
4-3 Strobe Demonstration84
4-3.1 Spectrum Interpretation87
4-4 Discrete-to-Continuous Conversion88
4-4.1 Interpolation with Pulses88
4-4.2 Zero-Order Hold Interpolation89
4-4.3 Linear Interpolation90
4-4.4 Cubic Spline Interpolation90
4-4.5 Over-Sampling Aids Interpolation91
4-4.6 Ideal Bandlimited Interpolation92
4-5 The Sampling Theorem93
4-6 Summary and Links94
4-7 Problems96
5 FIR Filters101
5-1 Discrete-Time Systems102
5-2 The Running-Average Filter102
5-3 The General FIR Filter105
5-3.1 An Illustration of FIR Filtering106
5-3.2 The Unit Impulse Response107
5-3.2.1 Unit Impulse Sequence107
5-3.2.2 Unit Impulse Response Sequence108
5-3.2.3 The Unit-Delay System109
5-3.3 Convolution and FIR Filters110
5-3.3.1 Computing the Output of a Convolution110
5-4 Implementation of FIR Filters111
5-4.1 Building Blocks111
5-3.3.2 Convolution in MATLAB111
5-4.1.1 Multiplier112
5-4.1.2 Adder112
5-4.1.3 Unit Delay112
5-4.2 Block Diagrams113
5-4.2.1 Other Block Diagrams113
5-4.2.2 Internal Hardware Details115
5-5 Linear Time-Invariant(LTI)Systems115
5-5.1 Time Invariance116
5-5.2 Linearity117
5-5.3 The FIR Case117
5-6 Convolution and LTI Systems118
5-6.1 Derivation of the Convolution Sum118
5-6.2 Some Properties of LTI Systems120
5-6.2.3 Associative Property of Convolution121
5-6.2.1 Convolution as an Operator121
5-6.2.2 Commutative Property of Convolution121
5-7 Cascaded LTI Systems122
5-8 Example of FIR Filtering124
5-9 Summary and Links126
5-10 Problems126
6 Frequency Response of FIR Filters130
6-1 Sinusoidal Response of FIR Systems130
6-2 Superposition and the Frequency Response132
6-3 Steady-State and Transient Response135
6-4 Properties of the Frequency Response137
6-4.1 Relation to Impulse Response and Difference Equation137
6-4.2 Periodicity of H(ej?)138
6-4.3 Conjugate Symmetry138
6-5.1 Delay System139
6-5 Graphical Representation of the Frequency Response139
6-5.2 First-Difference System140
6-5.3 A Simple Lowpass Filter142
6-6 Cascaded LTI Systems143
6-7 Running-Average Filtering145
6-7.1 Plotting the Frequency Response146
6-7.2 Cascade of Magnitude and Phase148
6-7.3 Experiment:Smoothing an Image149
6-8 Filtering Sampled Continuous-Time Signals151
6-8.1 Example:Lowpass Averager152
6-8.2 Interpretation of Delay154
6-9 Summary and Links155
6-10 Problems157
7 z-Transforms163
7-1 Definition of the z-Transform164
7-2 The z-Transform and Linear Systems165
7-2.1 The z-Transform of an FIR Filter166
7-3 Properties of the z-Transform167
7-3.1 The Superposition Property of the z-Transform168
7-3.2 The Time-Delay Property of the z-Transform168
7-3.3 A General z-Transform Formula169
7-4 The z-Transform as an Operator169
7-4.1 Unit-Delay Operator169
7-4.2 Operator Notation170
7-4.3 Operator Notation in Block Diagrams170
7-5 Convolution and the z-Transform171
7-5.1 Cascading Systems173
7-5.2 Factoring z-Polynomials174
7-5.3 Deconvolution175
7-6 Relationship Between the z-Domain and the ?-Domain175
7-6.1 The z-Plane and the Unit Circle176
7-6.2 The Zeros and Poles of H(z)177
7-6.3 Significance of the Zeros of H(z)178
7-6.4 Nulling Filters179
7-6.5 Graphical Relation Between z and ?180
7-7 Useful Filters181
7-7.1 The L-Point Running-Sum Filter181
7-7.2 A Complex Bandpass Filter183
7-7.3 A Bandpass Filter with Real Coefficients185
7-8 Practical Bandpass Filter Design186
7-9.2 Locations of the Zeros of FIR Linear-Phase Systems189
7-9.1 The Linear-Phase Condition189
7-9 Properties of Linear-Phase Filters189
7-10 Summary and Links190
7-11 Problems191
8 IIR Filters196
8-1 The General IIR Difference Equation197
8-2 Time-Domain Response198
8-2.1 Linearity and Time Invariance of IIR Filters199
8-2.2 Impulse Response of a First-Order IIR System200
8-2.3 Response to Finite-Length Inputs201
8-2.4 Step Response of a First-Order Recursive System202
8-3 System Function of an IIR Filter204
8-3.1 The General First-Order Case205
8-3.2.1 Direct Form Ⅰ Structure206
8-3.2 The System Function and Block-Diagram Structures206
8-3.2.2 Direct Form Ⅱ Structure207
8-3.2.3 The Transposed Form Structure208
8-3.3 Relation to the Impulse Response209
8-3.4 Summary of the Method209
8-4 Poles and Zeros210
8-4.1 Poles or Zeros at the Origin or Infinity211
8-4.2 Pole Locations and Stability211
8-5 Frequency Response of an IIR Filter212
8-5.1 Frequency Response using MATLAB213
8-5.2 Three-Dimensional Plot of a System Function214
8-6 Three Domains216
8-7 The Inverse z-Transform and Some Applications216
8-7.1 Revisiting the Step Response of a First-Order System217
8-7.2 A General Procedure for Inverse z-Transformation218
8-8 Steady-State Response and Stability220
8-9 Second-Order Filters223
8-9.1 z-Transform of Second-Order Filters223
8-9.2 Structures for Second-Order IIR Systems224
8-9.3 Poles and Zeros225
8-9.4 Impulse Response of a Second-Order IIR System226
8-9.4.1 Real Poles227
8-9.5 Complex Poles228
8-10 Frequency Response of Second-Order IIR Filter231
8-10.1 Frequency Response via MATLAB232
8-10.2 3-dB Bandwidth232
8-10.3 Three-Dimensional Plot of System Functions233
8-11 Example of an IIR Lowpass Filter236
8-12 Summary and Links237
8-13 Problems238
9 Continuous-Time Signals and LTI Systems245
9-1 Continuous-Time Signals246
9-1.1 Two-Sided Infinite-Length Signals246
9-1.2 One-Sided Signals247
9-1.3 Finite-Length Signals248
9-2 The Unit Impulse248
9-2.1 Sampling Property of the Impulse250
9-2.2 Mathematical Rigor252
9-2.3 Engineering Reality252
9-2.4 Derivative of the Unit Step252
9-3 Continuous-Time Systems254
9-3.1 Some Basic Continuous-Time Systems254
9-4 Linear Time-Invariant Systems255
9-3.3 Analogous Discrete-Time Systems255
9-3.2 Continuous-Time Outputs255
9-4.1 Time-Invariance256
9-4.2 Linearity256
9-4.3 The Convolution Integral257
9-4.4 Properties of Convolution259
9-5 Impulse Responses of Basic LTI Systems260
9-5.1 Integrator260
9-5.2 Differentiator261
9-5.3 Ideal Delay261
9-6 Convolution of Impulses261
9-7 Evaluating Convolution Integrals263
9-7.1 Delayed Unit-Step Input263
9-7.2 Evaluation of Discrete Convolution267
9-7.3 Square-Pulse Input268
9-7.4 Very Narrow Square Pulse Input269
9-7.5 Discussion of Convolution Examples270
9-8 Properties of LTI Systems270
9-8.1 Cascade and Parallel Combinations270
9-8.2 Differentiation and Integration of Convolution272
9-8.3 Stability and Causality273
9-9 Using Convolution to Remove Multipath Distortion276
9-10 Summary278
9-11 Problems279
10 Frequency Response285
10-1 The Frequency Response Function for LTI Systems285
10-1.1 Plotting the Frequency Response287
10-1.2 Magnitude and Phase Changes288
10-1.1.1 Logarithmic Plot288
10-2 Response to Real Sinusoidal Signals289
10-2.1 Cosine Inputs290
10-2.2 Symmetry of H(jω)290
10-2.3 Response to a General Sum of Sinusoids293
10-2.4 Periodic Input Signals294
10-3 Ideal Filters295
10-3.1 Ideal Delay System295
10-3.2 Ideal Lowpass Filter296
10-3.3 Ideal Highpass Filter297
10-3.4 Ideal Bandpass Filter297
10-4 Application of Ideal Filters298
10-5 Time-Domain or Frequency-Domain?300
10-6 Summary/Future301
10-7 Problems302
11 Continuous-Time Fourier Transform307
11-1 Definition of the Fourier Transform308
11-2 Fourier Transform and the Spectrum310
11-2.1 Limit of the Fourier Series310
11-3 Existence and Convergence of the Fourier Transform312
11-4 Examples of Fourier Transform Pairs313
11-4.1 Right-Sided Real Exponential Signals313
11-4.1.1 Bandwidth and Decay Rate314
11-4.2 Rectangular Pulse Signals314
11-4.3 Bandlimited Signals316
11-4.4 Impulse in Time or Frequency317
11-4.5 Sinusoids318
11-4.6 Periodic Signals319
11-5.1 The Scaling Property322
11-5 Properties of Fourier Transform Pairs322
11-5.2 Symmetry Properties of Fourier Transform Pairs324
11-6 The Convolution Property326
11-6.1 Frequency Response326
11-6.2 Fourier Transform of a Convolution327
11-6.3 Examples of the Use of the Convolution Property328
11-6.3.1 Convolution of Two Bandlimited Functions328
11-6.3.2 Product of Two Sinc Functions329
11-6.3.3 Partial Fraction Expansions330
11-7 Basic LTI Systems332
11-7.1 Time Delay332
11-7.2 Differentiation333
11-7.3 Systems Described by Differential Equations334
11-8.1 The General Signal Multiplication Property335
11-8 The Multiplication Property335
11-8.2 The Frequency Shifting Property336
11-9 Table of Fourier Transform Properties and Pairs337
11-10 Using the Fourier Transform for Multipath Analysis337
11-11 Summary341
11-12 Problems342
12 Filtering,Modulation,and Sampling346
12-1 Linear Time-Invariant Systems346
12-1.1 Cascade and Parallel Configurations347
12-1.2 Ideal Delay348
12-1.3 Frequency Selective Filters351
12-1.3.1 Ideal Lowpass Filter351
12-1.3.2 Other Ideal Frequency Selective Filters352
12-1.4 Example of Filtering in the Frequency-Domain353
12-1.5 Compensation for the Effect of an LTI Filter355
12-2 Sinewave Amplitude Modulation358
12-2.1 Double-Sideband Amplitude Modulation358
12-2.2 DSBAM with Transmitted Carrier(DSBAM-TC)362
12-2.3 Frequency Division Multiplexing366
12-3 Sampling and Reconstruction368
12-3.1 The Sampling Theorem and Aliasing368
12-3.2 Bandlimited Signal Reconstruction370
12-3.3 Bandlimited Interpolation372
12-3.4 Ideal C-to-D and D-to-C Converters373
12-3.5 The Discrete-Time Fourier Transform375
12-3.6 The Inverse DTFT376
12-3.7 Discrete-Time Filtering of Continuous-Time Signals377
12-4 Summary380
12-5 Problems381
13 Computing the Spectrum389
13-1 Finite Fourier Sum390
13-2 Too Many Fourier Transforms?391
13-2.1 Relation of the DTFT to the CTFT392
13-2.2 Relation of the DFT to the DTFT393
13-2.3 Relation of the DFT to the CTFT393
13-3 Time-Windowing393
13-4 Analysis of a Sum of Sinusoids395
13-4.1 DTFT of a Windowed Sinusoid398
13-5 Discrete Fourier Transform399
13-5.1 The Inverse DFT400
13-5.2 Summary of the DFT Representation401
13-5.3 The Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)402
13-5.4 Negative Frequencies and the DFT402
13-5.5 DFT Example403
13-6 Spectrum Analysis of Finite-Length Signals405
13-7 Spectrum Analysis of Periodic Signals407
13-8 The Spectrogram408
13-8.1 Spectrogram Display409
13-8.2 Spectrograms in MATLAB410
13-8.3 Spectrogram of a Sampled Periodic Signal410
13-8.4 Resolution of the Spectrogram411
13-8.4.1 Resolution Experiment412
13-8.5 Spectrogram of a Musical Scale413
13-8.6 Spectrogram of a Speech Signal415
13-8.7 Filtered Speech418
13-9 The Fast Fourier Transform(FFT)420
13-9.1 Derivation of the FFT420
13-9.1.1 FFT Operation Count421
13-10 Summary and Links423
13-11 Problems424
A Complex Numbers427
A-1 Introduction428
A-2 Notation for Complex Numbers428
A-2.1 Rectangular Form428
A-2.2 Polar Form429
A-2.3 Conversion:Rectangular and Polar430
A-2.4 Difficulty in Second or Third Quadrant431
A-3 Euler s Formula431
A-3.1 Inverse Euler Formulas432
A-4 Algebraic Rules for Complex Numbers432
A-4.1 Complex Number Exercises434
A-5 Geometric Views of Complex Operations434
A-5.1 Geometric View of Addition435
A-5.2 Geometric View of Subtraction436
A-5.3 Geometric View of Multiplication437
A-5.4 Geometric View of Division437
A-5.5 Geometric View of the Inverse,z-1437
A-5.6 Geometric View of the Conjugate,z*438
A-6 Powers and Roots438
A-6.1 Roots of Unity439
A-6.1.1 Procedure for Finding Multiple Roots440
A-7 Summary and Links441
A-8 Problems441
B Programming in MATLAB443
B-1 MATLAB Help444
B-2 Matrix Operations and Variables444
B-2.2.1 A Review of Matrix Multiplication445
B-2.1 The Colon Operator445
B-2.2 Matrix and Array Operations445
B-2.2.2 Pointwise Array Operations446
B-3 Plots and Graphics446
B-3.1 Figure Windows447
B-3.2 Multiple Plots447
B-3.3 Printing and Saving Graphics447
B-4 Programming Constructs447
B-4.1 MATLAB Built-in Functions448
B-4.2 Program Flow448
B-5 MATLAB Scripts448
B-6 Writing a MATLAB Function448
B-6.1 Creating A Clip Function449
B-7 Programming Tips451
B-6.2 Debugging a MATLAB M-file451
B-7.2 Repeating Rows or Columns452
B-7.3 Vectorizing Logical Operations452
B-7.1 Avoiding Loops452
B-7.4 Creating an Impulse453
B-7.5 The Find Function453
B-7.6 Seek to Vectorize454
B-7.7 Programming Style454
C Laboratory Projects455
C-1 Introduction to MATLAB457
C-1.1 Pre-Lab457
C-1.1.1 Overview457
C-1.1.2 Movies:MATLAB Tutorials457
C-1.2 Warm-up458
C-1.1.3 Getting Started458
C-1.2.1 MATLAB Array Indexing459
C-1.2.2 MATLAB Script Files459
C-1.2.3 MATLAB Sound(optional)460
C-1.3 Laboratory:Manipulating Sinusoids with MATLAB460
C-1.3.1 Theoretical Calculations461
C-1.3.2 Complex Amplitude461
C-1.4 Lab Review Questions461
C-2 Encoding and Decoding Touch-Tone Signals463
C-2.1 Introduction463
C-2.1.1 Review463
C-2.1.2 Background:Telephone Touch-Tone Dialing463
C-2.2 Pre-Lab464
C-2.2.1 Signal Concatenation464
C-2.1.3 DTMF Decoding464
C-2.2.2 Comment on Efficiency465
C-2.2.3 Encoding from a Table465
C-2.2.4 Overlay Plotting465
C-2.3 Warm-up:DTMF Synthesis465
C-2.3.1 DTMF Dial Function466
C-2.3.2 Simple Bandpass Filter Design467
C-2.4 Lab:DTMF Decoding468
C-2.4.1 Filter Bank Design:dtmfdesign.m468
C-2.4.2 A Scoring Function:dtmfscore.m469
C-2.4.3 DTMF Decode Function:dtmfrun.m470
C-2.4.4 Testing471
C-2.4.5 Telephone Numbers471
C-2.4.6 Demo472
C-3 Two Convolution GUIs473
C-3.1 Introduction473
C-3.2 Pre-Lab:Run the GUIs473
C-3.2.1 Discrete-Time Convolution Demo473
C-3.2.2 Continuous-Time Convolution Demo474
C-3.3 Warm-up:Run the GUIs475
C-3.3.1 Continuous-Time Convolution GUI475
C-3.3.2 Discrete Convolution GUI475
C-3.4 Lab Exercises475
C-3.4.1 Continuous-Time Convolution475
C-3.4.2 Continuous-Time Convolution Again476
C-3.4.3 Discrete-Time Convolution476
D CD-ROM Demos478
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