动物学集刊 第9集【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- 中国科学院动物研究所编辑 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:7030026616
- 出版时间:1992
- 标注页数:357页
- 文件大小:18MB
- 文件页数:364页
- 主题词:
动物学集刊 第9集PDF格式电子书版下载
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动物学集刊 第9集(1992年4月)1
SINOZOOLOGIA NO.9 (Apr.1992) Institute of Zoology,Academia Sinica,Beijing,100080 China1
金纹细蛾性信息素及其类似物的合成和田间诱蛾试验* 苏荣辉 刘孟英 邱同铎 陈汉杰1
Syntheses of the sex pheromone components and analogs of the apple leafminer moth (Phyllonorycter ri10
烟青虫性信息素田间诱蛾活性试验 蔡剑萍 刘孟英11
Field trapping tests of sex pheromone of oriental tobacco budworm (Heloiiot his assulta Guenée) Cai15
小菜蛾抗药性调查研究 陈言群 孙耘芹17
Studies on resistance of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) to some in-secticides Chen Yanqu21
白鲢在人工催产时卵巢组织前列腺素的含量变化 柳建昌 程丽仁 马魁榕 马素珍 王启伦23
The variation of prostaglandins (E2,F2a) in the ovaries of domestic fishes during artificial inducti28
温度对粘虫生长和食物消耗的影响 李秀珍 龚佩瑜 吴坤君29
Effects of temperature on growth and intake of food of the army worm[My thimna separata (Walker)] Li34
蝗虫鸣声结构的研究 席瑞华 刘举鹏 何忠 陈念丽35
Studies of sound structure of the Acridoids Xi Ruihua, Liu Jupeng, He Zhong and Chen Nianli38
昆虫包涵体病毒的免疫金颗粒—电镜鉴定 丁翠 马可43
Identification of occluded insect viruses with immunogold-EM technique Ding Cui (Ding Tsuey) and Mic46
几种昆虫的免疫试验研究 刘玉滨 王宗舜 杨明华49
A study on the immunocompetence of some lepidopterous and coleopterous insecls Liu Yubin, Wang Zongs52
天蚕和烟青虫的卵壳结构特征 刘玉滨55
The features of chorionic surface structures of Antheraea yamamai and Helioth-is assulta Liu Yubin58
大仓鼠种群繁殖特征及其在种群调节中的作用 杨荷芳 王淑卿 郝守身 曹小平 王福生 许同钦61
Reproduction of ratlike hamster (Cricetulus triton) and its role in population regulation Yang Hefan80
水貂汞中毒的研究 赵忠宪81
Studies on mercury poisoning in marten (Mustela vison) Zhao Zhongxian86
白甲鱼属鳞片表面结构扫描电镜观察和比较研究 张春光 陈素芝 甘雅玲87
Comparative studies of the scales of Onychostoma (Pisces: Cyprinidae, Barbinae)by scanning electron91
三峡库区医学蟹类及其携带肺吸虫囊蚴的调查研究 戴爱云95
A study on medical crabs and their harboring metacercariae of lung flukes in Sanxia Reservoir area D101
中国光盔蛛科一新种(蜘蛛目) 宋大祥 郑少雄103
A new species of the family Liocranidae (Araneae) of China Song Daxiang and Zheng Shaoxiong105
湖北纯蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:圆颚蛛科) 宋大祥 朱明生107
A new species of the genus Castianeira (Araneae: Corinnidae) from Hubei,China Song Daxiang and Zhu M109
我国银鳞蛛属六种记述(蜘蛛目:肖蛸科) 宋大祥 朱明生111
Notes on six species of the genus Leucauge (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) of China Song Daxiang and Zhu M116
三峡库区及邻近地区陆生贝类调查研究 陈德牛119
Investigation on land snails in Sanxia Reservoir and Neighboring area, China Chen Deniu131
三峡库区肺外型肺吸虫第一中间宿主—微小螺类的调查研究 王耀先133
A study on snails as the first intermediate hosts of lung flukes in Sanxia Rese-ivoir area Wang Yaox137
我国淡水螺类齿舌研究 王耀先139
A study on radula of some freshwater snails from China Wang Yaoxian147
支序分类学中外群分析的探讨 黄大卫149
A discussion on outgroup analysis in cladistics Huang Dawei156
丝齿等?属及其一新种(弹尾目:等节?科) 黄复生 梁越玲159
A new species of Axelsonia (Collembola: Isotomidae) Huang Fusheng and Liang Yueling161
中国?螋属名录及五新种(革翅目:?螋科) 张晓春 杨集昆163
A checklist of Chinese Forficula L., with descriptions of five new species (De-rmaptera: Forficulida169
库?螋属及我国西藏一新种(革翅目:?螋科) 张晓春 杨集昆171
The genus Cosmicula Hincks, with a new species from Tibet (Dermaptera: Forf-iculidae) Zhang Xiaochun173
中国武陵山区叶甲科二新种(鞘翅目:叶甲科,叶甲亚科) 王书永175
Two new species of leaf beetles from Wuling Mountain of China (Coleopcera: Chrysomelidae) Wang Shuyo177
中国凹唇步中属的研究(鞘翅目:步行虫科) 谢为平 虞佩玉179
On the Chinese species of Catascopus Kirby(Coleoptera:Carabidae,) Xie WeiPing and Yu Peiyu186
旋萤叶甲属中国种类记述(鞘翅目:叶甲科,萤叶甲亚科) 杨星科187
The Chinese species of the genus Strobiderus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, Gale-rucinae) Yang Xingke189
守瓜类雄虫第八背板的特化类型、功能及进化意义 杨星科191
A new feature of the eighth tergite of male in Coleoptera and its function Yang Xingke196
中国连花金龟属及二新种记述(鞘翅目:金龟总科,花金龟科) 马文珍197
On the genus Endr?dia Mik?i? from China with two new species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoides, Cetoniidae)199
云南灰象属一新种(鞘翅目:象虫科) 张润志201
A new species of Sympiezomias from Yunnan, China(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Zhang Runzhi202
中国网蛾科 Phyrididae (Lepidoptera) Ⅲ.剑网蛾亚科 Siculinae 1.拱肩网蛾属Campiochilus Hampson 2.绢203
The Thyrididae (Lepidoptera) of China Ⅲ. Siculinae 1. Camptochilus Hampson 2. Herdonia Walker Zhu H212
中国网蛾科 Phyrididae (Lepidoptera) Ⅲ.剑网蛾亚科 Siculinae 3.黑线网蛾属Rhodoneura Guenée 朱私复215
The Thyrididae (Lepidoptera) of China Ⅲ. Siculinae 3.Rhodoneura Guenée Zhu Hongfu (H. F. Chu) and243
危害林木种实的小卷蛾二新种(鳞翅目:卷蛾科) 刘友樵249
Two new species of Laspeyresiini damaged cones and seeds of forest (Lepidopt-era :Tortricidae) Liu Y251
中国雪苔蛾属的研究(鳞翅目:灯蛾科,苔蛾亚科) 方承莱253
Studies on the genus Cyana Walker of China (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae, Lithosiin-ae) Fang Chenglai265
中国洱尺蛾族研究(鳞翅目:尺蛾科,花尺蛾亚科) 薜大勇267
A study on the tribe Trichopterygini Warren of China(Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae) Xue Dayo294
中国窄纹蛾属研究及新种记述(鳞翅目:纹蛾科) 葛晓松299
Study on the chinese Stenodes Guenée(lepidoptera:cochyIidae) with Da scrip-tions of new species Ge305
中国小皱背姬蜂属记述(膜翅目:姬蜂科,长尾姬蜂亚科) 王淑芳 胡建国307
Notes on the genus Rhyssella Rohwer in China (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Wang Shufang and Hu Jiangu311
三齿姬蜂属一新种(膜翅目:姬蜂科,长尾姬蜂亚科) 王淑芳 胡建国313
A new species on the genus Myllenyxis (Ichneumonidae: Pimplinae) Wang Shufang and Hu Jianguo315
中国三钩姬蜂属的研究(膜翅目:姬蜂科,长尾姬蜂亚科) 王淑芳 胡建国317
Study on the genus Triancyra Baltaiar from China(Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Pimplinae) Wang Shufang325
中国林虻属记述及一新种(双翅目:虻科) 王遵明327
Notes on the genus Silvius Meigen of China and a new species (Diptera: Taba-nìdae) Wang Zunming329
中国刀尾寄蝇属一新种(双翅目:寄蝇科) 孙雪逵 赵建铭331
A new species of Zenilliana from China (Diptera: Tachinidae) Sun Xuekui and Zhao Jianming (Chao Chie333
中国鬃粪蝇属种类的记述(双翅目:粪蝇科) 孙雪逵335
Notes on the genus Norellia from China (Diptera: Scathophagidae) Sun Xuekui338
中国三管食虫虻属的记述(双翅目:食虫虻科) 史永善339
Notes on the Chinese species of the genus Trigonomima Enderlein (Diptera: Asi-lidae) Shi Yongshan343
中国叶螨科的新记录和岩螨属一新种(蜱螨亚纲:叶螨科) 王慧芙 崔云琦345
New records of Tetranychidae from China, with description of a new species of Petrobia Wang Huifu an347
中国鸟类学的进展(1927-1989) 商孝同349
The progress of the ornithology in China (From 1927 to 1989) Shang Xiaotong357
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